martes, 23 de octubre de 2007

Fear no more the heat o'the sun.

That day. What day? What now? (Pause) Words fail, there are times when even they fail. Is that not so, Willie? Is not that so, Willie, that even words fail, at times? (Pause. Back front.) What is one to do then, until they come again? Brush and comb the hair, if it has not been done, or if there is some doubt, trim the nails if they are in need of trimming, these things tide one over. (Pause) That is what I mean. (Pause) That is all I mean. (Pause) This is what I find so wonderful, that not a day goes by – (smile) – to speak in the old style (smile off) – without some blessing – in disguise...

2 comentarios:

Margui. dijo...

en fin...vos sos lo maravilloso!

Margui. dijo...

ohhhh gimme more my lordie!